Meet our Team
We have a new Chief Exec here at VAR. Tom is the new broom and you can get hold of him at ceo@varutland.org.uk
We have two managers at the charity; Jim & Jay.
Jay is our Finance Officer and can be contacted at finance1@varutland.org.uk
Jim, our Transport Manager, is available on transportmgr@varutland.org.uk
We have two brilliant Admin Assistants who work with us at VAR. Melinda is our Transportation Assistant and Lorraine is the VAR Admin Assistant.
You can email Melinda at transportadmin@varutland.org.uk and Lorraine at enquiries@varutland.org.uk
None of our Team could do what they do without the support of our brilliant volunteers, volunteer drivers and supporters. We're very lucky to say, we have too many to name individually, but they know who they are and we are very grateful indeed!
You can find a little bit more about our staff members below.